Vega Essentials Chocolate Protein Powder has the nutritional building blocks to help you start your day strong with ingredients made from real, plant-based foods. Each serving has 20 grams of plant-based protein, veggies and greens, vitamins and minerals, as well as 16% DV fiber and one gram of omega-3 ALA. Vega Essentials vegan protein powder contains all nine essential amino acids from pea protein powder, flaxseed and hemp protein. Vega Essentials is non-GMO Project Verified, vegetarian, vegan certified, low-glycemic, gluten-free, and without dairy or soy ingredients. Try smooth and delicious Vega Essentials in delicious Vanilla, Chocolate and Mocha flavors - just blend or shake with water, almond milk or other non-dairy alternative, or add some fruit to make a meal replacement shake. This product is keto-friendly. We recommend adding coconut oil to your favorite smoothie or shake for a little extra fat. Not a medical food.